CORE Token Distribution
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 (100%)
Liquidity (locked on launch): 950,000,000 (95%)
Development Wallet: 50,000,000 (5%)
Launch Liquidity Pool: $5k
Launch Market Cap: $2.5k
Good to know: Development wallet tokens will be utilised to generate funds required to meet development expenses associated with CORES. This includes the cost of KYC, development consultation and marketing.
CORE Taxes
Buy Tax: 0%
Sell Tax: 10%
Sell tax utilised as follows:
6% for dividends / reflections; and
4% treasury and marketing.
Although these taxes are much lower than those of comparable reflection tokens, we believe that holders will be rewarded with larger transaction volumes (and therefore reflections) and greater price appreciation.
Last updated