Last updated
Last updated
What is the pair?
The pair is CORE/AVAX.
Where can I buy tokens?
You can buy our tokens via the TraderJoe DEX. Refer to link to purchase details below:
Wen launch?!
CORE will stealth launch in early March 2022, shortly after the publishing of this Whitepaper. Contract details will be announced on Discord and Twitter.
CORES will launch in late March 2022.
Do not purchase from any contracts other than those advised by the team on the Discords Announcement channel or Twitter. You and you alone are responsible for any losses you incur from attempting to snipe our contract launch.
Will the developers dox before launch? Will there be KYC?
The team will not be doxxed before launch. We are all currently pursuing our own careers and working on Core Nodes on the side. We cannot afford for our professional careers to be impacted directly as we have heard of in other projects.
KYC will not be initially requested for the launch of CORE due to the smaller size of the project relative to the cost of a KYC with Assure Defi.
To provide security to investors liquidity will be locked immediately upon launch and the contract verified shortly after.
Will there be an audit?
The contract code is based on the tried and tested code of other reflection tokens such as ETHP and $ALPHA with modifications made to the tax parameters. This is not particularly complex code, as such we do not deem an audit necessary.
How many tokens does the team get?
The team will receive 5% of supply. This will allow the team to recover the cost of providing liquidity for the project and provide development funding for CORES.
What is benefit for the Core OG and Super Core OG roles in Discord?
Core OG roles were given to the 65 founding members of the Discord server. There is currently no benefit other than bragging rights attributed to these roles.
Super Core OG roles were given to winners of competitions and invite contests. This role entitles its holder to one free CORES node on launch of the CORES project. This is in addition to any entitlement from being a Top 50 holder of CORE.